Combat targeting: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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=== Ashes of Creation Apocalypse weapon skills ===
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=== Ashes of Creation Apocalypse armor skills ===
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{{Ashes of Creation Apocalypse armor skills}}

Version vom 5. August 2020, 06:33 Uhr

Waldläufer hybrid combat in Alpha-2.[1]

Ein Teil dessen, was wir mit diesem Ansatz unseres hybriden Kampfes untersuchen, ist, dem Spieler die Funktionalität anzubieten, entweder Tab-Targeting oder einen Fadenkreuz-basierten Action-Kamera-Modus zu verwenden; und sie wissen, dass beide Vorteile haben; und beide bieten dem Spieler das, was er sich am wohlsten fühlt. Alle unsere Angriffe werden gegen Stats sein, es sei denn, es handelt sich um einen Vorlagenangriff. In diesem Fall gibt es bestimmte Boni und/oder stärkere angewendete Chancen für bestimmte Arten von CC-Effekten, die angewendet werden, oder möglicherweise Ausweich- und Genauigkeitsaspekte davon. Das sind alles Dinge, die wir während Alpha 2 testen wollen, um zu sehen, wo die Spielerbasis in diesen beiden Optionen des Action- oder Tab-Target-basierten Angriffsmodus lebt. Der wichtige Teil hier ist, dass dies noch in Arbeit ist.[2]Steven Sharif

Hybridkampf bezieht sich auf die Wahl zwischen Tab und Action Kampf in Ashes of Creation.[3][4][5][6] Eine Umschalttaste (Standard , kann aber an eine andere Taste gebunden werden) erlaubt dem Spieler, zwischen Action- und Tab-Kampfmodi zu wechseln.[7][8][9][10]

  • Die Action-Modus-Kamera ist mit dem Fadenkreuz des Spielers verbunden.reticle (crosshair).[11][12]
    • Es wird wahrscheinlich einen Hotkey geben, der, wenn er gedrückt gehalten wird, freie Kamerabewegungen im Aktionsmodus ermöglicht. [12]
    • Zukünftig wird der Anwender die Möglichkeit haben, zwischen verschiedenen Fadenkreuz-Aussehen zu wählen. [13]
  • Gezielte Fähigkeiten erfordern entweder ein Softoder or hard gesperrtes Ziel. [11]
    • Soft locking ist, wenn sich das Fadenkreuz im Aktionsmodus über ein gültiges Ziel bewegt . Die Zieltafel erscheint leicht ausgegraut, um anzuzeigen, dass es sich um ein Soft-Lock-Ziel handelt. Bewegt sich das Fadenkreuz vom Ziel weg oder bewegt sich das Ziel vom Fadenkreuz weg, geht das Ziel verloren. [11].
    • Hard locking ist, wenn der Spieler die rechte Maustaste auf einem weich gesperrten Ziel im Aktionsmodus verwendet oder wenn der Spieler ein gültiges Ziel im Tab-Modus auswählt . Die Zieltafel wird nicht ausgegraut, um anzuzeigen, dass ein fest fixiertes Ziel ausgewählt ist. Anders als beim Soft Lock geht das Ziel nicht verloren, wenn es sich aus dem Fadenkreuz bewegt. Tabwechselt im Aktionsmodus basierend auf der Annäherungspriorität weiterhin zwischen hart gesperrten Zielen. Tab will still cycle between hard-locked targets in action mode based on proximity priority.[14][11]

Q: Was sind die Vorteile von Tab versus Action? Ich habe das Gefühl, dass viele Leute denken, dass Tab einfach einfacher ist, also warum sollte ich Aktion verwenden?

A: Wenn die dich in einer massiven Schlägerei befindest, könnte die Fähigkeit, Ziele auszuwählen, die weit hinten liegen, für Benutzer von Tab-Zielen vorteilhafter sein, da sie klicken können, aber die Reaktionszeit, um ein Ziel zu erreichen Ziel für einen Cursor im Vergleich zum Erfassen eines Ziels für ein Fadenkreuz ist viel schneller und weniger umständlich, da es nicht so viele Aktionen seitens des Benutzers erfordert.[17]Steven Sharif

Vorlagen und zielgerichtete Versionen von Fähigkeiten haben unterschiedliche Eigenschaften.[2][7][18][19][20]

Skill-Fortschritte, die Zuweisung von Skillpunkten wird vom Spieler bestimmt. Der Spieler wird in der Lage sein, entweder eher Tab-Target-orientierte Fähigkeiten oder mehr aktionsbasierte Fähigkeiten zu wählen und sein spielbares Erlebnis an seine Vorlieben anzupassen. Aus balancierender Sicht müssen wir für uns Entwickler sicherstellen, dass bestimmte Fähigkeiten bestimmte Funktionen beherbergen, damit es ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Skillshots und Tab-Target-Fähigkeiten gibt.[19]Steven Sharif
  • Zielfertigkeiten werden ausgegraut, wenn sich das Ziel nicht innerhalb einer gültigen Reichweite befindet, aber bei Skillvorlagen muss der Spieler im Allgemeinen die richtige Reichweite für die Fertigkeit einschätzen. [21]
info-orange.pngEinige der folgenden Informationen wurden nicht kürzlich von den Entwicklern bestätigt und befinden sich möglicherweise nicht auf der aktuellen Entwicklungs-Roadmap.
  • Es ist möglicherweise nicht möglich, nur aktions- oder tabellarische Fähigkeiten vollständig zu spezifizieren. Es kann eine Obergrenze von 75 % für die Auswahl von Fähigkeiten eines beliebigen Typs geben.[19]
  • Aus Gründen der Ausgewogenheit sind bestimmte Fertigkeitstypen entweder Registerkarten- oder aktionsorientierte Fertigkeiten. [23]
    • Harte CCs können in aktionsorientierten Fertigkeiten untergebracht sein, da es sich um Fertigkeitsschüsse handelt, die schwieriger zu landen sind.[23][19]
    • Weichere CCs würden in Tab-gezielten Fähigkeiten untergebracht.[23]
Als Beispiel: Sagen wir, du spielst eine Fernkampfklasse. Du könntest einen aktionsorientierten Power-Shot in deinem Fähigkeitsbaum haben oder einen Power-Shot auf ein einzelnes Ziel haben, der ansteigt und mehr Schaden anrichtet.[20]Steven Sharif

Alpha-1 Kampfziele

Action combat in Ashes of Creation Apocalypse utilizes a targeting reticle.[26]

  • A hot key can be used to toggle reticle mode on and off.[26]
  • Left mouse click is used for basic weapon attacks.[27]
  • Right mouse click is used as a "focus" button. It can also be used to activate root motion attacks for melee.[27]
  • Combat targeting uses hitbox registration in three separate regions: Upper body, lower body and head.[28]
  • Certain weapons and skills have ADS (Aim Down Sights) functionality.[29][30]

There will be aim down sights. You may have seen it that you can aim down sights on weapons; and there will be scopes on like crossbows and stuff that - arcane scopes - that you can use.[29]Steven Sharif

Some spells do have ADS. There's a long-range meteor blast that can be used from one of the spell books; and that has an arcane zoom in. It lets you zoom into a target.[30]Steven Sharif

Alpha-1 will test hybrid action/tab combat.[18][31]

Time to kill

Karawanen-PvP in Alpha-2.[32]

Generally when it comes to finger in the wind we're around where we want to be for TTK and that's probably on the bit faster side of TTK for MMOs that we're accustomed to, but we're a PvX game.[33]Steven Sharif

Time to kill (TTK) in Ashes of Creation will be a little bit faster than most MMOs.[33]

  • Previously it was stated that the TTK was expected to be around 30 seconds to a minute.[34]
  • The developers do not want one-shots in the final MMORPG.[35]
  • Average non-elite mob time-to-kill for a solo player is intended to be around 6 seconds.[36]
In the MMORPG we really don't want to see any one-shots. The time-to-kill needs to be strategic and tactical.[35]Steven Sharif


Kopfschuss-Mechanik (where there is a specific hitbox for a player's head) are not planned for the Ashes of Creation MMORPG.[37][38][39]

Weapon and armor skills

Fertigkeiten und Werte auf Ausrüstungsgegenständen

Handwerkerkönnen der Ausrüstung verschiedene Fertigkeiten/Fähigkeiten und Werte zuweisen .[44][45]

Handwerker werden in der Lage sein, Stats neu auszurichten; und es wird ein paar andere Möglichkeiten geben, Dinge zu verschieben, um sowohl das Aussehen als auch den Stat zu erstellen, nach dem ihr sucht. Es wird nicht immer einfach sein. Damit sind viele Herausforderungen verbunden. Aber das Ziel ist es, euch die Möglichkeit zu geben, eure Ausrüstung so anzupassen, wie ihr es wollt[44]Jeffrey Bard

Nicht alle Rüstungssets werden die Vorlage-Art von Set sein. Sie werden die Einflüsse des Handwerkers enthalten, wenn es sich um ein handgefertigtes Set handelt. [45]Steven Sharif

Die Ausrüstung ist in Kernstatistiken und Zusatzstatistiken unterteilt.[49]

Waffen and Rüstung are tied to skills in Ashes of Creation Apocalypse.[50]

  • Swapping between weapons will allow players to access the different skills on their hotbar.[50]
  • Certain armor pieces have utility and defensive skills, such as like Camouflage, Polymorph and Battlefield wall.[50]
  • Weapons are tied to one specific skill in early testing, but this may change.[51]

Weapons will have skills associated with them and they'll will rest on a hot bar and you can swap between the weapons on the hot bar and that'll allow you to access the different skills. Additionally the breastplate, the leggings: Those also have skills associated with them those are more utility and defensive abilities, such as like camouflage, polymorph, battlefield wall; that stuff. Those are on the armor pieces and then they are associated with right now the VC hotkeys for their abilities.[50]Steven Sharif

Right now weapons are tied to one specific skill; and that's just again because we're so early in alpha 1; but well probably be changing that as we continue to iterate and test.[50]Steven Sharif

Ashes of Creation Apocalypse weapon skills

- None -

Ashes of Creation Apocalypse armor skills

- None -


The aspiration for combat is for abilities to have corresponding counter-play abilities.[52]

  • The goal is to have special animations for parrying, blocking and evading.[53]

They can be a challenge to implement sort of really reliably so you might not see them on every evasion or every block, but we do want that stuff to show up.[53]Jeffrey Bard

Crowd control

Crowd control (CC/mezzing) abilities include root, snare, stun, sleep and slow.[54][52]

  • CC effects do not apply to Non-combatant (green) players. The target of a CC ability must be flagged in order to suffer the CC effects. This prevents players from opening attacks that stun non-combatant players during a pull for example.[55]
  • Some crowd-control abilities can dismount a mounted player. In that case the mount would persist with its own health pool and other stats.[58]
    • In Alpha-1 testing mounts were not separate from the player.[58]
There's also going to be effects that just stun the mount or stun you on the mount.[58]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
Air Strike Air Strike New.png Waldläufer Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing area damage and rooting targets hit for 3 seconds. Rotation control is enabled during cast.[61] The root effect is nature based.[62]
Ancestral Bolas Ancestral Bolas.png Tank Throws a magical web of bolas at the target location. All enemies within are snared and build additional hate towards the tank every second. Enemies entering or exiting the radius will be tripped.[63]
Chain Lightning Chain Lightning Icon clean.png Magier Release a powerful streak of lightning that hits your primary target and then chains outward to all nearby enemies from that target, dealing lightning damage and applying 3 stacks of Electrified to each target hit.[64][65][66]
Chains of Restraint Chains of Restraint Icon2.png Kleriker Call forth spectral chains in a target area that stagger enemies within or stun enemies already under the staggered effect, then leave behind an area that deals radiant damage each second over 8 seconds.[67][68]
Condemn Condemn.png Kleriker Stun target enemy for 3 seconds.[69][70]
Crippling Blow Crippling Blow.png Kämpfer Deal Physical damage and apply Snare to target enemy for 6 seconds.[71]
Fissure Mage Spell 7.png Magier Call forth a line of jagged earth spikes in front of the[sic] you, dealing earth damage and applying 10 stacks of Stagger to each enemy hit along its path while launching them upwards.[72]
Grapple Grapple Icon.png Tank Takes aim for a moment before hurling a hooked chain in a line, damaging the first target it contacts and immediately pulling them to the caster. The target suffers a tapering snare for 3 seconds.[73][74]
Imbue Ammo: Weighted Imbue Ammo-Weighted.png Waldläufer Imbues your ammunition with weight. Enemies hit by your bow attacks suffer the Snared status effect, reducing their movement speed by 50%. Each application applies 3 seconds of duration to the target, up to a maximum of 12 seconds. 10 charges.[75]
Knock Out Knock Out.png Kämpfer Knock out target enemy, putting them to sleep for 10 seconds. Any damage breaks the effect.[76]
Leap Strike Leap Strike.png Kämpfer Leap to target location and deal damage around you, snaring targets hit for 3 seconds.[77]
Quake Quake.png Magier Held ability: Cast a powerful earthquake that deals more damage the longer it was charged and applies 10 stacks of Staggered to all enemies around the caster. If the spell was fully charged, this applies Tripped instead of Staggered.[78]
Slam Slam.png Tank Slam your target with immense force, knocking them back. Applies 10 stagger. Deals 500% additional threat.[79]
Slumber Slumber (Active).png Magier Applies the sleeping condition to targets affected within a small area around the primary target, rendering them unable to move or take any action. Any damage dealt to a sleeping target will break the effect. Duration is reduced by 20% for each additional target hit, to a minimum of 40% of base duration.[80][81][82]
Tremoring Bellow TremoringBellowIcon.png Tank Releases a thundering shout in a forward cone, applying the staggered condition on enemy targets. Also stomps the ground dealing damage around the caster and tripping enemies affected by the snared condition.[83]
info-orange.pngEinige der folgenden Informationen wurden nicht kürzlich von den Entwicklern bestätigt und befinden sich möglicherweise nicht auf der aktuellen Entwicklungs-Roadmap.
Diminishing returns in regards to crowd control and conditions like stun and sleep and slows and that thing: Yes we will have absolutely diminishing returns. I think it's a necessary component to balance out classes that have high control ability.[52]Steven Sharif
We're trying to stay away from hard locks as much as we possibly can. We want to have the system be very play, counter-play, counter-counter-play feel.[52]Jeffrey Bard
  • Soft CC's are in the tab-targeted abilities.[87]


Revamped Alpha-1 Magier Fireball ability.[88][89]

The general approach that we're taking based on a lot of feedback and just good combat design in general. You know philosophy is that we want to give more agency in the hands of the player and the antithesis of that is locking the player down for really long amounts of time. The sort of concept behind that is like you could make an animation effects as glorious looking as possible but if it's taking away control of the player, none of that really matters. Especially the 100th or thousandth time you're using the spell you're tired of that happening you don't feel powerful: You feel the opposite of powerful. So we're trying to like give a lot of control back to the player while they're using these abilities so they can still control their movements, they can react simultaneously while they're taking actions; and we just want to get overall more of a fluid flow, I guess, of combat. And that's the general design philosophy we're using to approach the overhaul.[88]Tradd Thompson

A lot of abilities you have the capability of moving while casting. It's going to decrease your movement speed significantly or depending on the type of ability. We do reserve the cost- and that's really what it is when you tie ability usage to mobility- we do reserve the cost of requiring the character to remain stationary on some big effect type abilities.[90]Steven Sharif
  • Most abilities in Ashes of Creation are capable of being cast while moving. Some abilities may slow the caster down during the cast, but only rarely will the player be rooted in place.[90][95]
Most abilities you'll find in Ashes of Creation are capable of being cast while moving. Some of those abilities might slow your movement during the cast, but you can continue to move. Very rarely, and depending on obviously the importance of the ability or the power level of that ability, you might be rooted in place. So, for example, the AoE ability [Chains of Restraint] has a lot going on. It has damage ticking over time, it is an area of effect, it also has a status condition application; and in those instances the player character gets rooted.[95]Steven Sharif
That's the cat-and-mouse of these abilities. Like we've seen with the Ranger, they have a backflip, they have their Airdrop [sic] ability. The Mage has teleportation. There are going to be abilities that are tit-for-tat; and managing the resource of those abilities and the timing of when you use them to either correlate to your opponent's use of those things, or to save them for yourself when you want to get away, that's part of what makes the engagements dynamic and different each time.[98]Steven Sharif
  • The ability to prone is not be in the game.[101][102]
There's a balance in the game design between your movement speed on attack and the movement speed of your opponent. When you have a game that is both PvE centric as well as PvP centric, you have to make sure that combat is blended for both approaches; and we can always run into problems where, if you're significantly hampered in your movement speed, that has an effect on how we expect player versus player engagements to interact; and we don't want to restrict a player's ability to be mobile if they're the target of an attack. And as a result of that we need to make sure that we don't restrict the movement abilities of the player who is doing the attacking as well. So we want it to be relatively free for you to stay with each other. Your opponents move around the battlefield together and if we're hampering you on the attack action, we have to then implement some type of snare, or slow, or cc effect essentially on your opposing target; and that's not the approach we want to take for for PvP.[104]Steven Sharif
If we're talking about Fighter, they're going to have a lot of heavy gap closers. They can probably be a little bit more liberal in the use of their gap closers because they have so many of them, versus let's say a Ranger that needs to choose when to use their escape abilities, because they have fewer of them. The same would be true for a melee character like a rogue. Their approach vector is going to be more stealth-driven than it would be perhaps let's say from a gap-closer perspective.[56]Steven Sharif
Q: If a ranger is super mobile, what are the melee's options in order to catch them?
A: Different class kits will provide different gap closers. They'll provide different mobility skills. They'll have lockdowns. They'll have chains to pull back. They'll have a lot of different things in the rotation. That's part of what an MMORPG experience is. You're not just restricted to three or six skills, you have a rotational suite; and depending on the type of challenges you face is going to help determine which of those rotations you spec into from your skill tree.[57]Steven Sharif
Skill Icon Origin Description
Air Strike Air Strike New.png Waldläufer Leap a great distance forward and into the air while firing three projectiles in a line along the path, each dealing area damage and rooting targets hit for 3 seconds. Rotation control is enabled during cast.[61] The root effect is nature based.[62]
Blink Blink.png Magier Instantly teleport a set distance in the direction you are moving.[105][106]
Blitz Blitz.png Kämpfer Charge directly toward target enemy, dealing Physical damage to the target on arrival.[107]
Call of the Wild Call of the Wild Icon.png Waldläufer Remove all movement impairing effects and increase movement speed by 20% for 8 seconds. Snares and Roots effects applied to the caster are ignored.[108]
Caravan Trail Speed Bonus Trail Speed Bonus.png Caravan Minor speed boost for travelling on a simple trail.[109]
Exert Exert.png Kämpfer Consume your Combat Momentum rapidly, gaining 20% increased attack and movement speed and immunity to disabling effects while active. Must have at least 20 Combat Momentum to activate, and the effect ends when all Combat Momentum is fully depleted.[110]
Form Of Celerity Form of Celerity.png Kämpfer While in this form, the caster receives +2% Movement Speed per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +20%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[111]
Form Of Fluidity Form of Fluidity.png Kämpfer While in this form, the caster receives +4% Disable Resistance Chance per 10 Combat Momentum, up to a maximum of +40%. Shifting form costs 20% of current Combat Momentum and triggers cooldown for all Combat Forms.[112]
Leap Strike Leap Strike.png Kämpfer Leap to target location and deal damage around you, snaring targets hit for 3 seconds.[77]
Lunging Assault Lunging Assault.png Kämpfer Spend 15 Combat Momentum to lunge in a direction a short distance and perform an upward swing upon arrival, dealing damage to enemies in front of you. You are immune to hard crowd control effects while performing this ability.[113]
Recharging Lunging Assault Recharging Lunging Assault Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Kämpfer Lunging Assault gains an additional charge and generates 5 additional Combat Momentum when dealing damage to one or more enemies.[114]
Shield Assault ShieldAssaultIcon.png Tank Bashes the target with your shield, dealing damage and applying the shaken condition. If the target is already suffering from the shaken condition, stun the target instead.[115]
Speed Boost Speed Boost.png Caravan Gives the caravan a temporary speed boost.[116]
Unstoppable Exert Reinvigorating Exert Skill Tree IconAlpha.png Kämpfer Exert additionally breaks all hard control effects on the caster, and may be used any time while under a hard controlling effect.[117]
Whirlwind Whirlwind.png Kämpfer Channeled Ability: Deal physical damage to all enemies around the caster with each spin while channeled, increasing the spin rate the longer it is channeled. The caster is immune to hard disabling effects while spinning. Activate the ability again to end channeling early.[118]
Wings of Salvation Wings of Salvation.png Kleriker Sprout phoenix-like wings and leap to target ally, then grant a small amount of temporary health to that target on arrival.[119][120] An ally is defined as any non-combatant player or non-mob NPC.[121]

Player movement

  • Sprinting will consume a percentage of a character's mana pool. Sprinting will not be permitted while in combat.[123]
    • A sprinting/dash skill with a cooldown was confirmed to be part of a class kit.[124]
I've instructed design to incorporate a mana consumption that's percentage based for sprinting. So it'll be a similar amount of time that each class, regardless of their mana values, will have in order to sprint and it will not be accessible while in a combat.[123]Steven Sharif
  • There is a toggleable walk/run (autorun) capability.[125]
  • There is not going to be any "go to waypoint" (auto-pathing) mechanics.[126]


There are player and spell/projectile collision mechanics in Ashes of Creation.[130][131][132]

  • Inertia and momentum physics will help prevent blocking doorways/access points. This is based on a character's direction and movement speed, and can be used to push people out of the way.[133][132]
  • Specific ranged skills will have a pushback effect but this is not inherent to all ranged abilities.[135]
  • Player collision inherently limits the number of individuals that can be affected by AoE skills.[130]
Not all projectiles can be body-blocked. Some potentially can, but there will be certain abilities and effects, like a shield wall, that can that can be brought up and that will obscure line-of-sight to the target as well; and it will restrict some of those attacks from occurring.[131]Steven Sharif


Ausweichen in Alpha-1 early combat.[136]

Another thing that's important about these action combats is the ability to dodge and moving out of the way of certain skill shots.[136]Steven Sharif

Evasion moves such as dodging and weaving will be present in Ashes of Creation combat.[137][138][139]

So you see an animation windup that's a telegraph on what's coming; and then you have response actions that you can take as a result of that in order to dodge, weave, move, do whatever. It is both a combination of what your rotation is but also how you have reaction abilities ready to go that you save for certain circumstances that are important.[138]Steven Sharif

Aktives Blocken

Das Paladin's Might Schild in Ashes of Creation Apocalypse hatte eine eigene Hitbox mit Lebenspunkten (HP). Dieser Schild kann Projektile aktiv abwehren.[143]

  • Die Entwickler sind sich noch uneinig, ob aktives blocken ein Teil des MMOs sein wird. Derzeit neigen sie eher zur traditionellen buff-orientierten universellen Schadensmilderung aber ziehen auch eine Kombination zwischen action-based blocken und dem Wasserfall Stat system in Betracht.[144]

In APOC gab es ein Schild, welches ein aktives Schildblock aktion basiertes system benutzte; die Daten, die wir daraus sammelten, verrieten uns, dass die Anzahl der Spieler, die dieses Schild wirksam und essenziell benutzten, gering war; es besteht die Sorge, dass das Implementieren eines Aktion begrenzten aktiven Schildblocks im Kontrast zu dem Traditionellem, aktivieren eines Buffs, welches eine adjustierte Schildblockrate gewährt, universell gegen einkommenden Schaden wirkt und mit den Stats der Spieler interagiert, steht. Letzteres ist etwas was wir in das hybrid Kampf System integrieren wollen.[144]Steven Sharif

Das ist etwas, was wir weiterhin wiederholt und aktiv im unserem hybrid Kampf System testen werden. Natürlich wollen wir, dass Aktions basierte Komponenten mit dem Waterfall Stat System interagieren; es hört sich für manche wie ein Widerspruch an Aktion und Tab Elemente zu kombinieren, aber das muss es nicht. Aktion Elemente können so zum Beispiel angewandt werden - Gehen wir davon aus man benutzt das Schild um ein herangeflogenes Projektil oder eine Fähigkeit, die aus einer gewissen Zone gefeuert wurde, abzufangen. Durch das Blocken des Projektils oder der Fähigkeit erhält man 80% Schadensreduktion oder 80% Bonus physikalische Verteidigung auf das Schild; und wenn das Projektil oder die Fähigkeit außerhalb einer bestimmten Zone abgefeuert wurde und man diese abfängt, erhält man einen geringeren Bonus; und das ist was passieren würde, wenn man beispielsweise den Stat der physikalischen Verteidigung des Schildes in Betracht zieht, man fügt es als reduzierender Faktor zum eingehenden Schaden hinzu aber man erweitert das System mit dem Waterfall Stat, welcher für die Reduktion des Schadens durch Schilden verantwortlich ist, auch genannt Schildrate; dann würde man beispielsweise statt 80% Schadensreduktion 87% Schadenreduktion erhalten, weil man diesmal die persönlichen Stats in Betracht gezogen hat; und wenn ein Projektil oder eine Fähigkeit nicht in einer bestimmten Zone abgefeuert wurde ist es um 50% wirksamer satt nur um 40%. Dieses Beispiel ist nur dazu da um einen Einblick zu gewähren was es erfordert, um Skills festzulegen und um zu zeigen, wie sie Aktions basierend interagieren.[144]Steven Sharif


Abilities with a cast bar can be interrupted during the cast.[97]

  • There are abilities to counter interrupts.
  • Some interrupts are better than others.
info-orange.pngDieser Abschnitt enthält Informationen aus Alpha-1-Tests. Sie wird aktualisiert, sobald neue Informationen verfügbar sind.
Skill Icon Origin Description
Bulwark Bulwark Icon.jpg Tank Bash enemies in front of you twice. The second attack temporarily increases block chance. You must have a shield equipped to block.[145][146][147][148]

Animation abbrechen

Animation abbrechen will not be a combat mechanic in Ashes of Creation.[149][150]


Weapon attack cone in Alpha-1.[9]

Während ich angreife, treffe ich mehrere dieser Gegner; und das ist wichtig, weil alle Waffen, egal ob sie sich im Fadenkreuz-Modus oder im Tab-Targeting-Modus befinden, in der Lage sein werden, einen aktionsbasierten Waffenangriff auszuführen. Keine aktive Fähigkeit, aber Waffenangriff.[9]Steven Sharif

Alle Waffen haben einen Vorwärtsangriffskegel, unabhängig davon, ob sie sich im Modus Tab oder Action Modus befiden. [9]

  • Der Bogen und die Entfernung des Kegels variieren je nach Waffentyp.[9]

Stangenwaffen zum Beispiel haben einen viel breiteren Bogen und viel weiter nach außen. Dolche haben einen feiner abgestimmten Bogen, also musst du in dieser Hinsicht präziser sein.[9]Steven Sharif

Dies wird als Waffenangriff beschrieben, nicht als aktive Fähigkeit.[9]

Combat stances

The use of weapon stances in game is likely.[152]


RNG elements pertain to combat relating to stats such as Critical hit, Evasion, Blocking chance.[153]

RNG is always going to play a role in Ashes of Creation whether that be in PvP or PvE, but one way to mitigate that is through the action system. The action system is going to be far less sort of dependent on those dice rolls and there'll be far more in your own hands. They won't ever completely eliminate that but it's a way for us to sort of reward skilled play versus sort of tactical strategies type play.[154]Jeffrey Bard

Ashes of Creation Apocalypse class kits

Six classes will be present in Ashes of Creation Apocalypse castle sieges and Ashes of Creation Apocalypse horde mode.[155]

These classes relate to the trinity of classes: Tank, DPS and Support.[155][156]

  • Skills/abilities are not tied specifically to weapons in castle siege mode.[157]
    • It was previously stated that weapon skills are applied to augment a class' base skills.[158]
  • Base class skills may be able to be selected from a host of available skills for that class based on a player's progression within that season.[158][159]

We had a little bit of an idea that we're going to explore with regards to each of the classes having a range of skills and abilities that players can customize that skill kit based on their progression within a season, let's say; and that progression can be gained from any of the modes and it would grant you the ability to customize that skill kit for the before the siege mode or the horde mode. But that's something that might come at a later date.[159]Steven Sharif

Ashes of Creation Apocalypse classes only apply to Ashes of Creation Apocalypse castle sieges and Ashes of Creation Apocalypse horde mode.[160]

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  154. 155.0 155.1 155.2 Liveübertragung, 2019-01-11 (41:20).
  155. Interview, 2018-10-20 (11:38).
  156. Liveübertragung, 2019-11-22 (59:37).
  157. 158.0 158.1 Interview, 2018-08-17 (8:16).
  158. 159.0 159.1 Liveübertragung, 2019-01-11 (58:40).
  159. Reddit Q&A, 2019-01-8.