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A few different professions participate in the creation of enchantment scrolls. Those enchantment scrolls are primarily going to be interfaced on the profession side with scribe, but once that scroll is created then it's in the hands of the open economy and players may utilize them to enchant weapons and stuff.[1]Steven Sharif

Mechanisms for achieving the safer enchantment routes would mainly be through very rare material acquisition and boss kills.[2]Steven Sharif

There are two types of enchantments for items: Vertical and horizontal.[3]

  • Vertical enchantments are a power progression for a crafted item. More damage or mitigations, added effects or bonuses.[4] Vertical enchantments include risks.[3]
    It's a progressive tier of risk. At lower levels you have opportunities to potentially lose out on the pluses instead of breaking the equipment. But when you reach a certain threshold, there is an opportunity to essentially destroy the equipment, where you get resources back. But that's a risk that the player takes.[6]Steven Sharif
    • Lower levels of over-enchanting carries the risk of losing bonuses on the item. Over-enchanting beyond a certain threshold carries the risk of destroying the item and gaining resources back.[6][7][8]
    • There may be mechanisms for achieving safer over-enchantments, such as difficult to obtain enchantment scrolls, or very rare material acquisitions.[9][2][7]
    Personally, I am fine with RNG in enchantment, so long as there are special ways to mitigate the RNG with investment, to a degree. For example, difficult to obtain enchantment scrolls that insure enchantment efforts, and including a buffer of safe enchantment in earlier pluses.[9]Steven Sharif
  • Horizontal enchantments are more situational. This doesn't make the item more powerful, but instead more applicable to different situations, and less so to others.[3]
    • For example: I'd like my sword to do force damage instead of holy damage because the monsters I tend to fight are incorporeal.[3]
    • This type of enchanting assumes no risk, just time and effort.[3]


Verzaubern ist kein eigenständiger Handwerksberuf. Schriftgelehrte erstellen Schriftrollen die von verschiedenen Berufen verwendet werden können, um Verzauberungen zu erschaffen , die sich auf diesen Beruf beziehen. [1][10]

Du forcierst nicht wirklich die Stufenanforderungen oder die Identität dieses Gegenstands. Du kannst es verbessern, du kannst es verzaubern, aber es ist immer noch der Gegenstand, der es ist.[12]Steven Sharif

Enchantment appearance

Enchantments have visual effects associated with them, such as glows and colors on weapons.[13][14]

Gear enhancement

Ausrüstungsverbesserungen (Kraftsteine/Runen) können an Waffen angebracht werden, um der Waffe Elementar- oder Energieschaden zu verleihen.[15][16]

We are very likely going to have a rune system and then we'll have the ability to sort of enchant weapons outside of that too... That's not always going to be like a vertical progression... Some of it's going to be giving up something to get something else; so maybe I do less physical damage but more magical damage, that thing.[16]Jeffrey Bard

It's not as though you're going to necessarily acquire these once and then you're set for your PvP enchantments, but instead you'll have to continually perform month after month in order to keep having those slotted enchantments.[17]Steven Sharif

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