Apartment buildings

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Apartment buildings are default service buildings that come pre-built with Dorf (Stufe 3) nodes and higher.[2][3][4][5][6]


Apartments sind (instanzierte) Wohnungen in Gebäuden innerhalb einer Node, die eine Housing-Funktion bieten.[8] Es werden zu Beginn 50 Apartments zum Verkauf stehen, sobald eine Node sich zu einem Dorf (Stufe 3) entwickelt. Weitere Apartment-Gebäude können in einer Stadt (Stufe 4) gebaut werden, wenn der/die Bürgermeister/in sich entscheidet diese auf einem verfügbaren Baugebiet zu errichten.[5][6]

  • Die Anzahl der verfügbaren Apartments erhöht sich automatisch während der Node-Weiterentwicklung.[6]
  • Zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt wurde bekannt gegeben, dass Apartments erst ab der Stufe Stadt (Stufe 4) oder höher verfügbar wären .[8]

The mayor may additionally construct apartment buildings when the node hits stage 4 at one of the building plots in the node, along with cities gaining additional static housing and apartments by default as a normal part of the leveling process.[6]Steven Sharif

Apartment benefits

Apartments offer the following benefits in addition to other player housing benefits.[9]

Zerstörung von Apartments

Apartments können unter den folgenden Umständen zerstört werden:[10]

  • Falls das Gebäude während einer Belagerung zerstört wurde, selbst wenn die Belagerung nicht erfolgreich war.
  • Falls die Node durch die Belagerung unter Stufe 4 (Stadt) fällt.

Node building destruction

Destructible castle.[11]

You could be more precision oriented in the decision to attack a city. Let's say it's a rival node that's trying to reach a node stage five or something and you want to disable their ability for the religious system to progress so you target the temple during the attack, or you want to disable their scholars academy from reaching a higher level so that your nodes can; or you want to disable multiple buildings that allow for experience and quests to be undertaken by its citizenship, which prevents them from keeping up in pace of experience gained with your node. These can be more precision oriented and don't have to effectualize an actual takeover of the node.[12]Steven Sharif

Node-Gebäude (including player housing) have hit points and can be damaged or destroyed by different systems.[13][14]

Mayors will also have the ability, if they want, to demolish constructed buildings. So if they if they so choose they can destroy a building if they don't think it's needed anymore. But this will have mandate cost and a player buy-in votes. So we want to make sure that [the] mayor can't just go and blow up the whole node if they're trying to grief or something. So this is very important and impactful decision.[3][16]John Collins

If building maintenance is not paid, or a building is damaged as the result of an event or siege, the building will enter a state of disarray.[3][16] Any NPCs or services offered by that building will not be available until the building is repaired.[17][14]

If a node siege is successful, or if buildings otherwise take significant damage, they are destroyed and appear as rubble on the plot they occupied.[3][16][13]


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